The funk bands at Edinburgh's award-winning music venue, The Jazz Bar, have long dominated the late night Edinburgh music scene. Over the years the borrowing and swapping of players led to the formation of The Chambers Street Collective.
The Collective gathered for the first time for my 30th birthday more than 10 years ago, pooling musicians from all the late night bands in a celebration of funk and friendship.
Feautured: Aki Remally's 101st Airbourne & The Future Heroes, The Katet, The Hoistey Boys, Glamour & The Baybes, Swampfog, The Sunday Sinners.
The Hoisteys Boys are an offshoot of The Katet, exploring a heavier sound, featuring guitarists Jed Potts and Dave Wallace, Tom Wilkinson on bass, and rock drummer Ricki Thomson.
For this project we engaged in a series of collaborative songwriting workshops and developed the material together with myself as MD, arranger and vocalist.
Our debut album, Night Custard, recalls early 90s Pearl Jam with a sonic landscape of the 1980s. Tracks like Rick Martell celebrate the golden era of the WFC. Others, like Camisole, delve into severe mental health issues. The album, recorded the week of the Brexit vote, is ecclectic, weird, and altogether heavier music.
No Gender is a duo electronic studio band with producer and guitarist, Dave Wallace/Blind Digital.
It focuses on a unique amalgam of beats and composition and our collaboration has extended into multiple projects, most notably our work together on Cut to Bits video game, Venture to the Vile.
No Gender's second single, Tales of Space and Time, was signed to Simplify records in 2018.
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